Ett medlemskap i OHI ger dig även ett medlemskap i HETI. Du kan då gratis delta i deras webinarium. HETI är en ideell organisation med medlemmar i 45 länder. HETI står för Federation of Horses in Education and Therapy International. Den grundades 1974.

HETI:s uppdrag är att underlätta det världsomspännande samarbetet mellan organisationer och individer vars mål är filantropiska, vetenskapliga och pedagogiska inom området Equine-Assisted Services. Gå in på deras hemsida om du vill läsa mer! HETI bjuder in oss medlemmar att delta i några av deras webinarium under kongressen i Budapest!


Join the 18th HETI International Congress Live Stream Events!

Dear HETI Members,

We are excited to announce that those unable to attend the 18th HETI International Congress in Budapest will still have the opportunity to participate in two key events via live streaming. You can join us on the Congress and HETI websites, as well as our Facebook and Instagram.

We invite you to join us for:

HETI Open Forum 
Date: 19 June
Time: 15:00 to 16:30 CET

The Open Forum is a dynamic session designed to facilitate open discussion among our members. It serves as a platform where you can share ideas, experiences, and insights related to Equine Assisted Services. This is a valuable opportunity to engage with peers, learn from diverse perspectives, and contribute to the collective knowledge of our community.

HETI General Assembly Meeting
Date: 21 June
Time: 14:30 to 16:30 CET

The General Assembly Meeting is our formal gathering where we discuss the organization’s progress, future plans, and important decisions. During this meeting, we will introduce the new Executive Committee for 2024-2027, including the President, Vice President, and Treasurer. Additionally, we will present the Strategic Plan for 2024-2027, outlining HETI goals, priorities, and initiatives for the next three years, guiding our efforts to advance the EAS field.

These sessions will be streamed live, allowing you to engage with the discussions and contribute your questions in real-time. A few days before the events, we will send out the necessary links along with detailed instructions on how to pose your questions during the sessions. Your participation is highly appreciated and will help ensure that our global community remains connected and engaged.

We look forward to your virtual presence at these important events.